Our Services - Organización Atenas
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Get to know what our company can do for your next project.

servicios de construccion por organizacion atenas en chihuahua

A building has many stages and each one of them is essential to be able to reach the desired outcome.


In traditional construction, the client is responsible for hiring several companies that deal with each stage of the project.


Organización Atenas has the capacity to handle all stages of the project with the following advantages:


  • Creates communication between phases of the project
  • Maximizes work speed
  • Reduces construction cost
  • Ensures optimal quality for final delivery
construccion esfer cliente organizacion atenas en chihuahua

Generally speaking, a construction project corresponds to a high amount of monetary resources.


Organización Atenas knows the main factors that affect the development of a construction in any of its stages. This enables us to predict which activities are subject to risks and in that sense, guide the project in the right direction, reducing costs and eliminating most of the incidents.

arquitectos trabajando

Every construction arises from an idea. Before you can turn that idea into a building or construction of any kind, it is required to take an intermediate step which is known as design.


Design is one of the most important stages in construction. Unlike other companies, Organización Atenas offers the advantage of linking all disciplines in a set, thus creating a project free from interference between them (architectural, geotechnical, structural, plumbing, electrical and mechanical).


Construction costs goes hand in hand with the design, because it allows us to know the scope of the project. With a well-defined design, it is possible to quantify materials, labor and time before setting foot on the construction site.

Construction is considered a high-impact activity, therefore many procedures for project approval and for the construction to begin are required. These are some of the agencies involved in the process:


  • CFE (Federal)
  • CONAGUA (Municipal: JMAS, and State: JCAS)
  • STPS (Federal)
  • Civil Protection (Municipal: Heróico Cuerpo de Bomberos de la Ciudad de Chihuahua, and State: Unidad Estatal de Protección Civil)
  • Public Works (Municipal: Dirección de Desarrollo Urbano y Ecología, and State: Secretaría de Desarrollo Urbano y Ecología)


With over 200 completed projects, we have excellent professional and ethical relationships with many of these agencies, which in the end facilitate the process of each of the procedures.

construccion en proceso de organizacion atenas en chihuahua

Construction has been the essence of Organización Atenas, since 1990 we have been offering this service. We have extensive experience in all types of construction.


We are committed to create a quick and safe construction process. We also seek that our client gets the satisfaction of knowing and observing his construction’s physical and economical progress week by week. We can determine the status of our client’s project through a defined program of work and by conducting daily surveys.

Supervision service is offered when the client seeks to ensure quality in his construction when there’s another company already handling other aspects of the project.


Organización Atenas takes responsibility of inspecting and verifying the technical and administrative procedures of contractors. A weekly report is handled.