Home - Organización Atenas
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Since 1990 we have excelled in the construction industry by achieving complete satisfaction of our clients.

  • Timely delivery times

  • Superior quality projects

  • Highly competitive costs

clientes satisfechos con trabajo de organizacion atenas en chihuahua


Organización Atenas seeks to take care of your investment. We are focused on providing you with technical, legal and economic justification for every project.


Through the preparation of plans and specifications of each discipline, we transform your idea into a project ready to be built.

Legal Procedures

With over 200 completed projects, we know each step in the legal procedures for different parts of the country. Thus, we pledge that your building is not affected by this process.


Since 1990, construction has been the essence of Organización Atenas. We want our clients to be able to observe the physical and economical progress of their projects week by week.

construccion tec de monterrey de organizacion atenas en chihuahua

ITESM Campus Chihuahua

We handle every aspect of your project, regardless of the stage where it currently is.




construccion en proceso de organizacion atenas en chihuahua

Some of our Clients